It's another beautiful day!
Nov 21, 2007, 4:30pm, Centerpoint Mill Avenue, Rabbit Fountain.
I discovered this place just today!
I suddenly feel wonderful. A beautiful moment again! No distractions, no immediate submissons, no office work, no phone calls, no noises in the background; me and and the fountain and SPB and Janaki in the background, singing 'Om namaha' from Geetanjali.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have these kinda moments everyday? I guess not.
I must have passed this place many a time before, but never had the time or rather never took some time off to wander about. Life's like that! You are so busy resolving issues and crises, that you do not simply look around to find these small things that are right infront your eyes. You are so blinded by issues created on account of your negligence and packed-up routine that you ignore or overlook the simple joys of life.
Isn't a strange feeling, sitting amidst the busiest place in tempe with everyone running around trying to reach somewhere or trying to meet some deadline with no time to stop and take a whiff of this shy breeze and listen to the happy gurgle of of the waters across, that all of this is being absorbed by me and me alone? I find myself like Harry Potter whenever he goes down Dumbledore's pensieve, that I'm not in the present but just witnessing some other generation of time.
Light's failing. Everything's getting quieter. 5.00pm. Where's everybody? I just had the time to look up around. Is it thanksgiving already? The lights on the tress have started to show up. Those tiny pockets of beauty wrapped up around the trees like veins of life, have started stirring up. It's morning for them.
I like this place for many reasons. Well, for one, a group of curious Americans just wanted to make sure if I were an artist or a journalist, puttiing up things on the paper in my lap. Haha!
I'm sure Girija, Mini or Hemasree would love this place. For once, I don't feel bad that I'm not home, wrapped up in a blanket, coffee in hands, in front of the tv; for I wouldn't be here otherwise.
I can imagine what it feels like when you can't have that moment of solitude when you need it. Nobody has the freedom to do what he wants coz we arent born with it in the first place. Freedom itself is a responsibilty- to be free. But we have the freedom to think whatever, if not the freedom to do whatever. Thats what makes us unique.
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